Prior to coming to Chanaute I did a few Google searches to try to find out exactly where Chanaute is in relation to Kathmandu. Google maps was not helpful and so I relied on Each time I searched it came back that Chanaute was southwest from Kathmandu. On the drive out of Kathmandu I remember thinking that I hope the driver is taking me to the right place because it didn't seem like we were heading in a southwest direction. Once I got here and saw the orientation of the Melamchi river to the sun I realized the we must have traveled north not south from Kathmandu. I finally got the opportunity to try google maps ability to triangulate my location today and sure enough I'm north of Kathmandu (if indeed Google is correct). See the blue dots on the two images posted below.

According to goggle maps, I'm only 19 miles north of Kathmandu, but as I noted on an earlier post it took almost four hours to get here so I'm not sure I trust google on that one. Perhaps it's 19 miles if you could fly here in a straight line.

At any rate, if you were curious as to exactly where I am, hopefully this clears it up.
-Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
That is crazy! Hard to believe that a map is wrong!