Harry Potter would be proud. Tonight I was finally able to capture an elusive flying snitch (on camera at least). Actually catching one in your hands would be way too gross! Just in case anyone reading this had never seen any of the Harry Potter movies or read the books, a snitch is a small flying orb that is part of the game of Quidditch. In the movie, Harry must capture the snitch to win the game.
Here in Chanaute, there is a very large bug of some sort that has got to be one of the most uncoordinated bugs on the planet as I swear this bug is constantly bumping into walls and rolling or falling over onto his back and spending the next five minutes trying to roll back over. On the ground he looks like a giant cockroach.
Here is a slow motion video of the bug flying. What do you think? Doesn't he remind you of a snitch?
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If the above link does not work, you can go to my YouTube channel and select the video from there: https://www.youtube.com/user/chiguydave1/