The challenge of living here is that I live in a steel box that is always open to the great outdoors. At night, the temperature is now dropping into the high forties. This morning, my little thermometer registered a brisk 8 degrees C/46 degree F. While I'm plenty warm in my sleeping bag with the extra blanket that Bina provided me, getting out of bed definitely wakes you up!

The real challenge for me since it's gotten colder has been the evenings. Once the sun goes down and the temperature drops into the 50's, it's quite cold and since there is not much to do in the evenings other than read, listen to music or an audiobook, it's quite chilly sitting on my bed even though I've got multiple layers on. There is no fire or heater in my little room or anywhere in the temporary clinic. There is a butane stove for cooking in the kitchen but all the heat quickly goes out the gap between the walls and the corrugated steel roof.
Of course, it's hard to complain as Bina lives with these conditions year round (as do many of people of Chanaute) and I'm sure it will be much colder a month or two from now. Needless to say I think they are all thicker skinned than I am. While I've got two pair of wool socks on at night, Bina is wearing sandals with her bare feet exposed.
While I'm going to miss Chanaute when I leave next week, it will be nice to get back to Jerry's and my warm cozy condo!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
I bet!!